Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Poll Closed

Why am I not surprised... Judging from the type of blog this is and all :-)

I actually started this lastest poll primarily to get a feeling as to where the general consensus lay when it came to people's likes and dislikes in a potential mate (or better yet what triggers that initial attraction). Maybe the distinction between the initial attraction and a longer relationship might have swayed things one way or the other. But yeah, in general I'd have to agree (seeing as I'm a guy and all)... looks are predominantly what make me notice someone. I should stress though that, that is the initial attraction, but in the end personality reels me in ;)


52% - Are initially attracted by looks (put me in this category)
30% - Are attracted by personality rather than simply looks
11% - Only stick around for the sex
03% - Aren't really sure why they even like guys
01% - Are attracted by money (lol, for shame)

To the four people who were attracted by money, lol (*shakes head*), for shame... albeit very honest. Personally though, someone who looks like Hugh Heffner couldn't pay me enough...


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