The cast, the acting, the story-development and plot twists, all far and above what I expected... I almost want to compare it to Torchwood in that yeah, there's a little bit of guy/guy making out here and there, but that's not the primary focus of the storylines (which I find refreshing). Lol, and also to be honest, I don't think this trailer really does the movie justice... or even the series in general
For those of you not entirely familiar with the Donald Strachey Mystery movies, it's basically a film series based off the long-running Richard Stevenson crime-thriller novels. Chad Allen plays the lead recurring role as one of Albany's most unlikely detectives, along with a talented/well-rounded cast of regulars and guest stars (including Morgan Fairchild in Shock the System).I loved the second movie and the whole series in general, and highly recommend it. I've still yet to catch the fourth and latest one (Ice Blues), but I heard from a friend of a friend that it was great as well, so I'll take his word on it... overall if you're interested in getting into a great well-rounded series, check out the Strachey Mystery series on currently available on DVD, Here and Netflix.
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