Quick guys, I need an excuse to place a super sexy actor in a film... He's gotta be a hunk-next-door/totally oblivious to his good looks-type who just happens to be incredibly talented yet also somewhat misguided... Got any ideas?
What's that you say? He should be a skater?... No wait a figure skater? Hm
... Oh and he has to star opposite an ambitious counterpart who's totally into him yet also playing hard to get. Sounds like a tall order, I think I've got just the right guy in mind
...Ok, so I'll be honest and say it outright... The made for TV movie The Cutting Edge 3 isn't exactly one of my favorite films. But I figured it had some merit seeing as I'm still in a Lanter kind of mood
. This film originally aired on ABC Family, and as you can imagine the shirtlessness is somewhat limited compared to its predecessor... But Matt Lanter's presence is enough to lift this movie into eyecandy overdrive so I figure it's worth checking out. You can purchase The Cutting Edge 3: Chasing the Dream off Amazon.
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