For those of you who've never heard of him it might be just that, name recognition. Granted he's been on about half a dozen or more shows (and a couple of movies) since being unceremoniously rejected from Bravo's reality TV model search back in 2004. But none of those have really offered that breakout role worthy of lifting Matt out of fangirl/boy obscurity.
Well all that's set to change later this fall... or technically it started changing back in April after signing with a new publicist and guest starring on the CW's remake of 90210. But it's really set to change when he returns this fall as a regular cast member on that show.

And if Season 1's finale last month is anything to go by, I think Matt might just be a new highlight for a show I might've otherwise avoided like the plague
On a side note, I do find it somewhat interesting how Matt's seemingly been typecast as a 'bad boy' in a number of guest appearances since playing the abusive jock on Heroes. Maybe it's just me, but 'bad boy' isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Matt.
I kind lean more towards Just Beautiful... but then again that's just me
Anyhow, Matt's got two 'interesting' upcoming projects... coincidentally enough, one where he might be playing a 'bad boy'/stalker-killer (if rumors are to be believed) and another starring opposite Never Back Down/Twilight hottie Cam Gigandet (which I'm really looking forward to

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