Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tough Guys tough it out for 2010

Why, I ask? What exactly drives a person to subject him/herself to such brutal conditions?... What, praytell, is the purpose behind putting oneself in such grueling rigors? And what's the reward at the end of all this? I swear the justification boggles the mind...

It boggles the mind yes... but... it does make for some pretty fantastic photography when all is said and done. I mean Spartans taking on a fire pit? Robocop doing his best to avoid any serious lasting injuries that might impede future law enforcement activities... Honestly you can't set this stuff up.

These shots are from about a week or so ago... Being that it's February of course means it's that time again for the annual Tough Guy competition over in the UK.... Or as I like to refer to it, the release your inner lunacy for a couple of heart pumping hours fest mrgreen...

Simply insane...

But yes ultimately rewarding... in that perhaps there's some well-deserved bragging rights to be had for the lucky/relentless contestants that eventually make it to the end... (assuming of course you make it there in one piece confused). Anyhow you can check out more of the brave lunatics making their way through hell over on the DailyMail and Life's photo website. It's painful to watch yes, but again it does make for phenomenal photography mrgreen.


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