I can't exactly say for sure what's being assembled here... But I figure I might as well stick around and get to the bottom of this
Ah, I see, so there's a sound stage involved here... And apparently these yellow metal thingies over on the floor are meant for... I take it erecting some sort scaffolding or some other?.. Interesting, might as well lend a hand I guess Ok, so from what I gather, this metal bar goes over (*boxers flash through mind*) t-h-e-r-e... Err, yeah, anyway (*catches cute grin*)...
... Ok, where was I supposed to put this (*spots trailed natural abs*) a-g-a-i-n?
(*thoughts of be-cargoed hottie runs through mind*)... Ok... So yeah, I might as well step back and get out of everyone's way. Getting kind of hot anyway... I'll just watch from back here
Ok, ok... I'll get back to helping out... Jeez
... Btw, did anyone ever tell you you had really nice arms
... Ok, sorry, yes, back to work.
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