Wednesday, March 12, 2008

For shame Mr. Governor, for shame...

I'm so embarrassed for this state. Watching Governor Spitzer go down has not been a pleasurable experience by any stretch. How can a man who's done so much for the state, worked so hard to rein in Wall Street, and made a name for himself as a the quintessential paragon of ethics in New York politics... destroy his career over an escort call-girl?! (a whore if you will...). Shameful doesn't even begin to describe his actions with regards to his wife and kids. Cheating for ten years, spending $80,000 on hookers, and using one of your closest friends' name as your alias... a campaign contributor who's not only known you for 20 years, but is also the President of a hedge fund consulting group... Sorry Mr. Spitzer, you've crossed the line so far, you've pretty much gone off the map.

Is this woman really worth $4,000, a family, a Governorship, a possible indictment, and loss of a law license?


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