Friday, January 9, 2009

Apple revolutionizes the keyboard...

And inadvertently reinvents the wheel in the process...

Apparently the reliable old Qwerty keyboard has finally met its match mrgreen... and its name is Apple. Going out in style, Apple's final MacWorld expo saw the unveiling of the latest/greatest innovative endeavor next to the Macbook Air and the ever popular Iphone and Ipod products: Introducing the Macbook Wheel... Apple's definitive answer to Christopher Sholes' iconic keyboard design cool...
Believe it or not, I'm actually giving serious consideration to purchasing one of these cool. You guys wouldn't believe how much blogging time could be saved with a nifty list of relevant sentences to choose from mrgreen? Sounds fantastic!... Now... about that sudoku killer lurking out there (*goes to check if front door is locked*) confused...


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