It's official, the next iteration of Apple's flagship hardware is no longer just a random internet rumor, it's here, it's real, and it's an absolute geek's wetdream. 36% faster page load times than the competition, 3G data support ('bout time), GPS navigational maps, and half the price of the previous Iphone generation... This phone by all intents and purposes has one goal in mind: decisively staking its foothold in the smartphone market (if not simply conquering it outright). This time ar
ound the Iphone will be taking no prisoners. The phone is slated to launch on July the 11th simultaneously appearing in North America, Europe and Asia's top markets... followed that will be later launches throughout the rest of the year in countries spanning the entire globe from South America to the Caribbean, Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and South-East Asia (all totaling about 70 or so countries). If the last Iphone was seen as Apple's testing of its potential in the mobile phone waters, then this generation can aptly be seen as finally taking the full plunge.
As an added gesture of goodwill on Apple's part, those who've purchased a first generation Iphone after May 27th of this year, will be afforded the option of trading in their phones and receiving a next generation phone at no additional costs... quite generous of Apple I might say, although the contractual obligations to those who've already signed a contract may be the devil in the details.
You can read up on more Iphone 3G details over at the Wired Blog. Also check out CNET for more keynote speech clips.
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