Monday, March 17, 2008

What's under that kilt?

Being that it is St. Patrick's day and all, I thought I'd take the time to dedicate a post towards helping to somewhat answer that age old question... 'what exactly is worn under those kilts?' I've heard so much about mrgreen...

Those regal outfits associated primarily with Scotland and Ireland (and Wales to a lesser extent); traditionally worn for formal and/or military settings.

Strapping lads in thick super-high socks, looking dashing with their blazers, and of course showing off those gorgeous legs underneath... Going a little further though, given the age-old tales as to whether or not Scotsmen wear anything of 'substance beneath these outfits of mystery, it does raise the question (for some at least cool...) as to whether said tales ring true...

So what exactly is going on beneath this man's kilt?

Well, for starters, he's got the tie and blazer going... along with the ever-present socks and dress shoes. Delving a little deeper though, I think it's quite evident something might be amiss here...

So yeah, apparently there is something to the rumors after all...

Such a stunning get-up, with nothing more than the wind breezing gently beneath ones sails...

I don't know about anyone else, but that is superbly hot... As a leg-lover, just the outfit alone IMO is sexy... But added with the whole no underwear rule? Well, let's just say I'm starting to understand the whole straight fetish with the catholic school look... Ugh...

From the rockers, to casual passerbys, to even military... All sporting being fully dressed yet kinda naked in public...
Suffice to say, I have no idea who invented the kilt, or how the tradition came about...
But whoevere's behind said tradition probably deserves a high-five... And then some...
But yeah, all that aside, now we know for sure what's up those traditional worn kilts. Not that this is to say everyone who wears kilts forgoes the skivvies... But if you'd like to wear it the proper traditional way...
And might I add, who'd have ever thought thick high-socks would be sexy!