Sunday, September 9, 2007

Potential President?.... Maybe Not...

But it's nice to dream once in a while. This country would be so different if we actually elected leaders to positions of power who stood for their convictions, instead of spouting slogans that sound nice, yet mean nothing.

This is a clip of Ron Paul in the conservative lion's den called Fox News. This debate took place on September 5th of this year.

Throughout Paul's comments, you can hear Giulliani and the others having a nice chuckle. I take it the hilarity of hearing a politician with a real non-scripted answer must have been too much to bear. This is America after all? We elect people who speak in terms of fantasy to make us feel good, instead of people who actually bring us back down to reality... :-)

Does Ron Paul have a shot at getting the Republican nomination... He'd probably have a better shot swimming across the Pacific at this point. The odds are indeed stacked high against him. But it's nice to hear a rare realistic view in politics every once in a while. And one that's not based on the foundation of partisan rhetoric.


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