Saturday, April 5, 2008

Less than a month away...

Less than a month away (about three weeks to be accurate), until the most anticipated game of 2008 is released simultaneously for the PS3 and Xbox360. Often lambasted as being a violence simulator and/or a corrupting influence... the controversial Grand Theft Auto series has been one of the most successful franchises in video game history. The latest adaptation (part IV in the series) takes place once again in the New York-esque styled crime-ridden Liberty City, and sets to raise the bar somewhat by improving the graphics, fighting/driving mechanics, and adding in a really cool up-to-16 player multiplayer system that literally works over an in-game cellphone network mrgreen.
The good guys at IGN have recently done a massive in-depth interview with the vice-president and art director of Rockstar North, going over much of the new features for this awesome game. Although the reviews aren't out yet, It's a safe bet assuming this will probably be a must buy for anyone who owns a PS3 or an Xbox.


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