Sunday, April 13, 2008

The work of a master photographer

What do you get when you take a Burmese immigrant from Rangoon, have him train in pre-pharmacy Microbiology at the University of California, Davis... and then give him a year and a half to relocate to Los Angeles and self-train in a field totally unaccustomed to his academic line of study?...

Well... if these two twins are any indication, your likely answer will probably be a master photographer mrgreen... If the field of photography were a highway, Ronald N. Tan would literally be going somewhere at about 110mph... In record time, he's photographed for seven magazine publications (with four cover shots), in countries ranging from Spain, France, and Germany... to the UK and Australia.

If there was an word to describe this man, I'd say *driven*... Ronald has done an absolutely fantastic job for some of Beautiful Mag's cover pages... you can check out the pictures, along with his recent in-depth interview here...


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