Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bully gay scene?

Finding easter eggs like this always brings games up a few notches in my book. This scene originates from a Playstation 2 game by 'Rockstar Games' called Bully. Following in the tradition of their long line of games involving some form of violence or another (i.e Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt), Bully, as you might have guessed from its namesake, basically let's you play the role of a school bully.

This particular easter egg involves each clique from the game. Among the Jocks, Preppys, Greasers, and Nerds, there is one kid who apparently swings both ways. A very interesting yet unnecessary element that the developers decided to add to the game, yet very much appreciated by gay gamers (I would assume). Hopefully more developers will follow suit in the future.

There's an updated Nintendo Wii version coming out in March. Suffice to say I'll be picking up a copy.


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