Thursday, January 31, 2008

Poll End

Well, the poll has ended.... and the results are somewhat interesting. I feel as though I may have erred by leaving out an actor category, so let's just pretend the 'models' category covers that...

It's more than apparent that the consensus leans towards the 'Regular hotties' and 'Artistic nudes' as opposed to athletes/models/(actors). Maybe the non-model pics are more popular than I initially gave them credit... although they tend to get less comments in general, so go figure confused. I'll be adding more of the 'Regular Hotties' in the future I guess; maybe the blog could do with more of the candid pics cool.

With regards to the other consensus choice, separating artistic nudes from the vintage physique category may have also been a mistake. I landed on a gold mine of vintage pics a few months back, and I feel more often than not, they tend to overlap with the artistic nudes. I'll be adding more of both, I think there was a good consensus.

This poll was basically meant to help me make up my mind (to a certain degree) on some of the newer stuff I was planning to add. Sometimes indecision tends to get in the way of my adding new posts (procrastination is one of my stronger faults confused).

.... I won't drastically change the blog though, but I will be adding more of what I've been holding back on


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