Sunday, November 9, 2008

Joe the Hottie

I can't even begin to express how happy I am we've heard the last of Joe the Plumber, Joe Six-Pack and Joe the Biden... Ok, maybe Joe the Biden I don't mind, but the other Joe's have to go!...

Interestingly enough though... I'm surprised McCain and his Alaskan 'pit-bull' forgot to mention the one Joe that might've swayed my vote...

He bears a striking resemblance to a 27 year-old Chelsea soccer player by the name of Joe Cole... But I'd like to refer to him by the moniker, Joe the Hottie.

Child prodigy turned football (soccer) star... Joe (seen here relxaing after a hard day's work) pulled his weight and worked his way up through the ranks to not only earn a starting position on the Chelsea Football Club, but went the extra mile so much so that he's now considered one of the best players in the world... a true success story no doubt mrgreen (unlike certain plumbers I know confused).
joe cole
Seriously though... who needs a pit-bull with lipstick when you've got Joe the Hottie mrgreen... Anybody up for McCain/Cole '12? Sounds like it might be a hot ticket. The legs alone would buy my vote cool (almost)...


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