Sunday, November 23, 2008

Johannes aka 'Joe Hotness'

Ok so yeah I'll admit it... i've always been a sucker for a pretty face... mrgreen

In the case of German born model Johannes Heubl here, the operative term would be more handsome than pretty... but whatever, gorgeous by any other name is still gorgeous...

Johannes is what some might consider the male equivalent of a supermodel... He's done work for a number of agencies including Marylin of New York, Models1 in the UK, and Touche in Amsterdam (basically all over the world)... and he's also modeled for a number of catalogs, clothing lines, store brands, shows... and so on, and so on. Suffice to say his resume extends around the block...
And understandably so... considering when you can manage to look as good fully dressed...
Johannes Hubl you do half naked, then you know you've got winner. Gorgeous with a capital 'G' cool...


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