Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Beautiful Mind

Art by any other name is still art, and an artist by any other name is still an artist... which is exactly why I'd like to consider Kristopher Kelly as an artist rather than simply a photographer. There's really no other way to describe his work other than to call it for what it is... still-capture depictions of art.

Kristopher Kelly is a gifted sensation to the world of photography. And mind you I don't use the term 'gifted' lightly... but when an individual is born with a natural talent for theatrical acting, a powerful voice for operatic singing, all-around natural good looks, and a eye for discerning the most impeccable artistic shots, the term 'gifted' almost seems to be putting things mildly...
Add to that a couple technical computer programming skills, and running a photography boutique while also having a day job managing an investment banking firm, and the term 'gifted' would quite easily be replaced by 'genius'...

Kristopher was born and raised in beautiful southern California, and got his start in the world of theater at quite a young age. His highschool experience was highlighted by his driven passion for the arts, a passion which eventually culminated as a phenomenal run as a young teen vocalist in the mid 90s.
Pushing himself to further realize his dreams, Kristopher's success allowed him to continue to open doors, ultimately attending one of the most respected theater art schools in the country.

Fast-forward to 2003, Kristopher found himself working as a Cruise-line singer during a senior year's semester hiatus from college. Being afforded the luxury of both working on a cruise ship and sailing to some of the most gorgeous locales in the Caribbean allowed Kristopher the opportunity to purchase his first powerful camera, and immediately put it to good use... and the rest is photography history...

...or so one would think... Kristopher has gone to capture some of the most gorgeous models and settings, creating what I personally consider veritable artpieces. He happens to be one of the five favorite photographers that I've mentioned before, and he's been featured quite a number of times by several of my blogmates, including Beautiful Mag, Urban Pulp, and Trey Cruz. You can also check out his beautiful work on his own blog... the man is truly a one of a kind genius of the photography world.


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