Not that I wasn't already keenly aware of the staggering rise in gas prices... but having traveled last weekend, has really made the point hit home. September of last year wasn't really that long ago, but in terms of the rise in filling up the tank, it almost feels like a decade ago since I was buying gas at $2.49 (and even then I thought that was high). As bad as things may seem to be getting though, there is in fact a light at the end of this tunnel.
Or better put, the oncoming headlights of a Hybrid car to end all Hybrid cars ... Meet the 220 mile per gallon, Hybrid marvel currently in the conceptual phase by a company called Hybrid Technologies... If everything goes right, this car may speeding it's way out from the foothills and North Carolina, and into a highway near you (that's a major emphasis on the 'if' ).
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