Aside from the terrific acting, and fantastic plotlines (that sometimes tend to take liberties with historical accuracy for entertainment purposes), the show is packed with some of the most beautiful actors and actresses in Britain. Natalie Dormer and Jonathan Rhys Meyers make for an incredibly gorgeous, and volatile royal couple... But for me, one gorgeous actor stands head and shoulders above the rest in terms of just pure stunning good looks...
He's a 25 year old British actor hailing from the Jersey Channel Islands off the coast of France, by the name of Henry Cavill.
When I look for the word 'Handsome' in the dictionary, this is what I imagine I'd find next to definition as an illustration. The man is *so* strikingly handsome, if you mention the show to anyone who watches it regularly his name constantly comes up time and time again as one of the notable male actors on the cast.
Being that the Tudors season finale airs tomorrow night, I thought now would be as good a time as any for posting a few of my favorite production stills from Season 2. You'll notice there's one common denominator tying all of them together

Although this season has come to its conclusion, I highly recommend buying or renting the box set of Season 1, and/or of Season 2 (whenever it comes out). I'd have never thought creating a show surrounding the storyline of King Henry the VIII (and his many notable wives) would be all that entertaining, but this series really grows on you over time. I've come to love the entire cast... it's unfortunate so many of them have to die off for somewhat historical integrity

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