Clearly as you can obviously tell from the pictures, Matthew's beauty is just beyond description. And in the hands of a veritable photography god like Martin Ryter, he's pretty much elevate him to semi deity status.

Abs-solutely stunning...

Like many world-renowned A-list Aussie actors, Matt moved to the US to further pursue his acting career. His motivation soon payed off, in that not long after arriving in LA, he was accepted into a prominent intensive actors program.

Matt is currently training with some of Hollywood's best acting coaches, directors, producers, agents, talent managers, writers, and casting directors, while awaiting for a pending work visa to clear.

Matt has also done commercials for Samsung Mobile, Netflix, Nutri-grain, and has also taken up several bit roles, quickly building up what looks to be a promising resume.

Suffice to say, I most certainly look forward to seeing more from this gorgeous Aussie actor on a much bigger screen than my monitor...

Just Beautiful... You can learn more about Matthew and check out some of his work, and more of his portfolio over at his official site.
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