Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Return of Sir Charles

Ah, Sir Charles Brandon... good to see you've made it back OK. You were missed mrgreen...
Yes, you were missed indeed...
Is it true while you were away you spent a little time out in the countryside?... How was it, I hear it's beautiful out there around this time of year. We have some catching up to do so you'll definitely have to tell me all about it once we get insi... wait a minute, who's this confused?...

I see you've brought some friends along this time... and they don't look all too happy to be here confused. Hold on, don't tell me you're on an official visit from 'him'...

Dammit, I should've know that innocent face you put on was nothing more than a ruse to get me to put my guard down. His majesty's gone too far this time... people need know exactly what their King's been up to:
Just one more week to go and all the King's plans will be laid bare for everyone to see...
...and rest assured people will find out just what your role in all this is. They'll know just how many people lost their lives and how many... oh, eek...
Henry Cavill
Ok, I'll shut up now, no need to lose our tempers mrgreen... Can I just say one more thing though? While we were chatting I managed to send a message to a couple friends regarding the situation I'm currently in. The King's plot is already being revealed as we speak... sorry I had to do it. I'll come quietly now cool...


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